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Lightarian AngelLinks ™

Purple Stars

The Lightarian AngelLinks™ is a series of five beautiful energetic attunements that has been designed to establish etheric spiritual connections with the highly evolved Angelic beings. The purpose of these attunements is to infuse you with the unconditional and purest qualities of the angels through which you will be able to receive the ongoing Spiritual Support to express the angelic qualities in all areas of your life.


With the Lightarian AngelLinks™ energies I myself have been working since last 10 months and from my personal experience I can say that these phenomenal attunements have made my connections more stronger with the Angelic Realm and the Archangels, making me feel their presence and also supporting me in my own Spiritual journey to bring blessings and healing in all the areas of my life.


Seraph Rose Aura’s AngelLink™


The energetic attunement of Seraph Rose Aura’s AngelLink™ will help you establish the connection with the Seraph Rose Aura and also you will receive the pure divine blessings of the Seraph Rose Aura who will ignite an angelic flame of unconditional love in your heart chakra which will also begin to spread the energies in all level of your chakras and subtle bodies.


Archangel Michael’s AngelLink™


The energetic attunement to Archangel Michael’s AngelLink™ will assist you in bringing the gift “non-judgment” in all areas of your life and will also help you to find your way in the etheric realm and also will help you in expanding your spiritual gifts like channeling, telepathy etc.


Archangel Gabriel’s AngelLink™


The energetic attunement to Archangel Gabriel’s AngelLink™ will infuse you with “angelic joy and communications” and also will bless you with inner strengths and inspirations that you may need in your challenging situations. He will also help you in effective communications that you do in your daily life.


Archangel Raphael’s AngelLink™


The energetic attunement to Archangel Raphael’s AngelLink™ will bless you with the “courage and divine healing”. He will also help and guide you in your Spiritual journey to bring forth Divine Healing and to connect you with a divine healer within you.


Archangel Uriel’s AngelLink™


The energetic attunement to Archangel Uriel’s AngelLink™ will infuse you with the pure divine “angelic beauty” which will help you in enhancing your own inner beauty and will stimulate your creativity and talents in many forms. This is the last and final attunement in Lightarian AngelLinks™.


With your purchase you will receive:


~ e-manuals which are only can be purchased from the Lightarian Institute and it can take 3-7 days after I’ve paid to the invoice sent to me by the Institute and then it will be sent to you in your e-mail directly.

~ The distant attunement for each level will be sent to you through the appointed and the day convenient for both of us.

~ Hand signed Certificates will be sent to you in PDF format with genuine lineage.

~ Registration with the Lightarian Institute, USA for each level of your attunement which will authorize you to purchase your own printed or e-manuals directly from the Institute and will also allow you to share these beautiful energies with others.



The Hub for Spiritual Studies and Healing Support
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